Faculty & Staff

Our teachers are certified by the state of South Carolina as required by law. Once certified, teachers continue their education with additional coursework and attendance at educational conferences to renew their credentials every 5 years.
Twenty-one of our twenty-six teachers have advanced degrees in education, including five with doctorates.
In addition to their educational credentials, all teachers participate in ongoing professional development to enhance their skills and knowledge for working in a single-gender environment. The faculty has attended workshops and conferences, both in-state and out, to meet with nationally recognized experts in the field. We also network with teachers across the state, sharing ideas, strategies, and insights into working with all boys or all girls classes. Our teachers share ideas with one another here and work together to build their resources. They are frequently called upon to present at state and national conferences.

David Wooten
Assistant Principal 2011-2021
- Education Specialist: Administration and Supervision | Clemson University
- B.S. in Engineering Science, Physics | Bob Jones University
- M.Ed. | Southern Wesleyan University
- Areas of Certification:
- Professional in Secondary Administration
- Professional in Physics
- Area of Endorsement:
- Read to Succeed

Rob Venable
Leadership Teacher 2015-Present
Social Studies Teacher 2008-2015
- B.A. in Pastoral Studies; Minor in Speech | Bob Jones University
- M.A. in Teaching | Clemson University
- Ed.D in Professional Leadership | Converse University
- Areas of Certification:
- Limited Professional in Middle Level Social Studies
- Limited Professional in Middle Level Language Arts

June Deas
Director of Campus Affairs 2020-Present
- B.S. in Business Administration | Winthrop College

Celanie Martin
Career Development Facilitator 2020-2024
- B.A. in Psychology and Finance | Converse College
- M.A. in Personnel and Employee Relations | USC

Stephanie Nelson
English Teacher 2013-2020
- B.A. in Education and English | Clemson University
- Area of Certification:
- Professional Teaching Certificate in English

Alison Thompson
- B.S. in Personnel & Industrial Relations | Ithaca College

Jennifer Sim
- Registered Nursing Program | Fanshawe College, Canada
English Department

Aaron Temples
- B.A. in Journalism | University of Georgia
- M.A. in Teaching Middle Grades Education, Language Arts, & Social Studies | Clemson University
- Ed.D. in Professional Leadership | Converse University
- Areas of Certification:
- Limited Professional in Middle Level Social Studies
- Limited Professional in Middle Level Language Arts
- Area of Endorsement:
- Read to Succeed

Rebecca Peterson
- B.S. in Secondary Education | College of Charleston
- M.Ed. in English | University of South Carolina
- Areas of Certification:
- Professional in Elementary
- Professional in Middle Level Social Studies
- Professional in Middle Level Language Arts
- Areas of Endorsement:
- Read to Succeed Literacy Teacher
- Gifted & Talented
Instructional Support

Kelly Cassandra
504 Coordinator 2024-Present
- Diploma of Middle Eastern & Arabic Studies | Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
- B.A. in Anthropology | Ohio University
- M.A. in International Studies | Ohio University
- M.Ed. | Ohio University
- Area of Certification:
- Professional Teaching Certification in Special Education: Multi-Categorical

Kathleen Hobbs
- B.S. in Education | Blue Mountain College
- M.Ed. | Arkansas State University
- Areas of Certification:
- Professional in Special Education: Multi-Categorical
- Professional in Physical Education
Leadership Department

Alissa Fennell
English Teacher 2020-2024
- B.S. in Elementary Education | Winthrop University
- M.Ed. in Adolescent Literacy | Concordia University
- Area of Certification:
- Professional in Middle Level Language Arts
- Areas of Endorsement:
- Read to Succeed
- Gifted and Talented
Math Department

Kelly Cassandra
504 Coordinator 2024-Present
- Diploma of Middle Eastern & Arabic Studies | Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
- B.A. in Anthropology | Ohio University
- M.A. in International Studies | Ohio University
- M.Ed. | Ohio University
- Area of Certification:
- Professional Teaching Certification in Special Education: Multi-Categorical

Zach Nicks
- B.S. in Community Recreation Management | Clemson University
- M.A. in Teaching; Middle School Math | Clemson University
- Ed.D in Professional Leadership | Converse University
- Area of Certification:
- Professional Teaching Certificate Middle Level Mathematics
- Area of Endorsement:
- Read to Succeed

Lawan Neely
- B.A. in Human Services and Resources | Anderson University
- M.A. in Teaching | Clemson University
- M.A. in Human Resource Management | Webster University
- Ed.D in Professional Leadership | Converse University
- Area of Certification:
- Professional in Middle Level Mathematics
- Area of Endorsement
- Read to Succeed
Physical Education Department
Science Department

Beth Roueche
- B.S. in Biology Education | UT Chattanooga
- M.A. in Divergent Learning | Columbia College
- Areas of Certification:
- Professional in Biology
- Professional in Science
- Professional Middle Level Science
- Areas of Endorsement:
- Read to Succeed
- Gifted & Talented
- Advance Placement | Computer Science
Spanish Department

Noemi Guerrero
- B.A. in Education, Spanish | University of South Carolina Upstate
- M.Ed. in Classroom Leadership | Southern Wesleyan University
- M.Ed. in Languages, ESOL | College of Charleston
- Area of Certification:
- Limited Professional in Spanish
- Areas of Endorsement:
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Read to Succeed

Britta Bell
- B.A. in Spanish and International Trade | Clemson University
- M.A. in Secondary Education | University of Michigan
- Areas of Certification:
- Professional in Spanish
- Professional in Psychology
- Areas of Endorsement:
- Read to Succeed
- Gifted & Talented
Social Studies Department
Wendy Frans
Jim Van Valkenburgh
Hayley Long
Matt Griffin