Lunch Program

Langston Lunch Program
All food items/entrees from local vendors must be purchased and paid for online before 9:00AM on the day of service. You may purchase lunches for the entire month at one time.
If you have ordered for a day and your child is sick, you may cancel the day’s order before 9:00AM. If cancelled before 9:00AM, you will receive a credit in your online cart that can be used the next time you order. Your account will not be credited after 9:00AM because the food will have already been ordered from the vendor.
Students may purchase snack items, bottled water, apple juice, etc. in the lunch line with cash. No pre-ordering is necessary for these items, although you may order them with the entrees online as well.
After ordering, please print the calendar showing your selections for the week/month. We suggest keeping a copy on your refrigerator and one in your child’s planner or folder.
All lunch orders are processed through the Langston Market Place.
Click here for registration instructions.
Lunch Vendors
Firehouse Subs
Students should bring a bagged lunch
Items available from each vendor are found on the ordering screens once you create an account and log in. There is a salad and/or vegetarian choice available every day.