
Students in Classroom


Not only do we value our students, we work to equip them well. From providing technology support to community service opportunities, we want our students to be prepared to reach their full potential. Our teachers both educate and engage students to make their educational journey the best it can be. 

Community Service

An important part of being a Langston student is finding a way to make a difference in your community.  Every student is expected to participate in community service activities each quarter. Not only do you help others, but your service is part of your Leadership class grade. We encourage students to explore new ways to serve, be creative, and challenge themselves to do more.  The opportunities to serve are endless.

Community Service

School Supplies

The supply fee provides students with materials needed for classroom work – a student planner, colored pencils, construction paper, scissors, glue, etc.

Each student needs to have the following for personal use:

  • A three-Ring binder with folder dividers OR spiral notebooks and folders for each class.
  • Loose leaf notebook paper – Constant borrowing from other students will not be allowed.
  • Pens/Pencils (a small personal pencil sharpener would be helpful)
  • Red and Green Pens for correcting and editing in English class
  • Calculator – See Below

Each 6th and 7th grade student should have his/her own inexpensive, basic calculator.  Calculators will be used in class, for homework, on some assessments, and they are increasingly allowed on year-end standardized testing.  Teachers will instruct students on calculator usage in class.  

TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator

A key everyday tool for learning mathematics in the 21st century is a graphing calculator. In order to ensure that all students are prepared to meet the desired outcomes of our 8th grade program, we strongly recommend that all rising 8th graders purchase a graphing calculator.

We recommend that students acquire any Texas Instruments graphing calculator from the TI-83 or TI-84 family. These are the calculators most widely used by students in grades 8-12. Having all students using similar calculators enables us to instruct students on how to utilize these devices. All 8th grade mathematics classes will start using the calculators in the fall. Students will be able to use the TI-83/84 for various class work, homework, and assessments in mathematics classes through grade 8 and continuing on throughout all of their high school experience (including some high school science classes).

There is a range of possible costs for a graphing calculator depending on your selection of a specific model and/or the purchase of a new-vs.-used model. All TI-83 and TI-84 calculators are suitable for use at our middle school and at Greenville County high schools. It is not necessary to buy the most expensive model.

Our school is able to obtain calculator-related instructional equipment for free by collecting and submitting proofs-of-purchase. These proofs-of-purchase help our department to purchase additional calculators and equipment for our math program. If you buy a new calculator, please consider saving the proof-of-purchase from the calculator package. Teachers will collect these proofs-of purchase in class.  

IMPORTANT: Our goal is for each student to be organized. If you have a folder/organizational system that works, we would suggest you continue with it.

Office365 Information

Student Password: can be changed in the Office 365 Settings found in the upper right corner of the home screen. If a student forgets his/her password, a new one can be requested by contacting Mrs. Deas or Mr. Wooten.

Passwords must include at least 3 of the following:

  • Upper Case letter A-Z
  • Lower Case letter a-z
  • Number 0-9
  • Symbol (! @ # $ % ^ & *)

Your student User ID is

Downloading Office365 to your computer at home

  1. Click on the gear icon   in the upper right corner
  2. Click on ‘Office 365’  under ‘My app settings’
  3. Click on ‘Software’
  4. Click ‘Install’ to download the software

Students are allotted 5 downloads of the Microsoft Office software. Check the system requirements to make sure the software will work on the student’s computer at home.

Downloads and cloud storage become inactive within 30 days after a student leaves Langston.

Student Handbook

Click on the link below to review the Langston Student Handbook.

After School Clubs

All after school clubs at Langston are parent initiated and parent led.
Leading a club is an excellent way for parents to be involved in their child’s life, share their knowledge, and demonstrate leadership.
Club information will be shared with students as it becomes available throughout the year.
Contact June Deas at for information about club sponsorship.

Summer Reading
